
Of all the esoteric subjects to dive into, numerology and astrology have been the most evasive of my understanding. Eye have yet to grasp the concepts, formulas, math, etc. commonly expressed in this particular science, now embracing this occasion to further delve into a few sources. Eye do feel in my spirit this is a subject worth exploring and comprehending, therefore worthy of the effort of engagement. Astrology seems to be the practice of connecting the time and location of arrival into the third-dimensional space with the eternal cosmic continuum narrating a universal story of galactic events. Got me interested to say the least. Numbers serve as the primary tool or technology utilized to observe and engage in the study of astrology. The source, Ask Astrology states, “Numerology is the study of the spiritual meaning of numbersThe total of your birthday numbers reduced to a single number is your Life Path number…” indicating the significance of calendrical order.

Eye can fairly easily see a natural connection in the relationship between the season of conception and the season of birth with the relative time period. The peculiarly fashioned calendar of the United States of America governing the society of my experience misaligns the numerical calendar with the seasons. The calendar is divided into four quarters as the seasons, however, the year ends and begins in the dead of winter opposed to initiating the new year in the spring season. The interesting thing is the actual names of the months do align with seasonal transitions. According to the source, CT State Library, in the article, Calendars, states, “records referring to the first monthpertain to March; to the second month pertain to April, etc., so that the 19th of the 12th monthwould be February 19. In fact, in Latin, September means seventh month, October means eighth month, November means ninth month, and December means tenth month. Use of numbers, rather than names, of months was especially prevalent in Quaker records.” What about the spiritual element, as astrology and numerology are spiritual-based sciences.

The aforementioned source states, “When first implemented, the Julian Calendaralso moved the beginning of the year from March 1 to January 1. However, following the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century, the new year was gradually realigned to coincide with Christian festivals until by the seventh century, Christmas Day marked the beginning of the new year in many countries.” This adjustment suggests religious-politico priority over spiritual observance when determining the calendrical order. This is an extreme finesse, considering those utilizing the United States calendar as a foundation to calculate in the practice of numerology. The United States is death culture celebrating New Year’s a week after the “birth” of Christ in death season—winter, and then observes the “death” of Christ in April during the spring season of new births—a$$ backwards per usual. It is certain that compromising the capacity of an individual to comprehend their life’s purpose can allow for more vulnerability and susceptibility to spiritual snares, which is by default an intellectual trap.

Curiosity leading to the exploration of the divine relationship between the material, phenomenal world and the celestial hosts engages and seduces the soul into the most rewarding human experience fathomable. Unfortunately, the 21st Century demonstrates a world that despises the Most High slipping into a perpetual state of foolishness as the impractical course for society to the demise of the illusion of world “powers.” The world simply has no power and neither does each individual citizen-slave serving such wicked constructs of contempt for humanity—generational curse. These are merely “check” collectors checking off chores from their master’s master list for the tricks and treats they love from their training, or out of fear from the discipline suffered during training.

Such trained peons are attracted to “service” work because of their incapacity to connect with the Source of all creation to discover their true purpose for being. At least one-third of millennials are opting to abort and abandon contemptuous systems of the world facilitated by cowards in an effort to re-establish connection with the quantum realm. It is the entertainment and elementary academic systems in place designed to obstruct the profound relationship between the Father (Sun), the Mother (Earth), and the child (hueman) occupying the temple body of the Mother animated by the energy of the Father to fulfill a divine purpose in course of the experience.

A notable internet source on the subject, Numeroscope, communicates, “Numerology is based on ancient sacral knowledge about the interconnection between phenomena of the material world and mathematical symbolsNumerology assigns an intrinsic characteristic made by combining particular features to each number. Once you decode the meaning of numbers in the date of birth or name, you can find out the archetypal quality that embodies a person’s natural talents, character and fateful signs on their way.” The conception of this study is erroneously credited to Pythagoras because white culture does not recognize any of the sources from which Greek and Roman civilization stole absolutely everything they know about anything. Eye am a divine extension of Ancient Kmt as a contemporary, organic but tainted specimen manifesting the morals, principles, and values of our kulture against diabolical principalities concluding their reign on the earth. Regardless of who gets the credit, the power is genetically transferred and inherited beyond the lies on paper and the truth reveals thru the activation of the chosen ones in alignment with the will of the Universe.

A renewed consciousness and appreciation for the study and practice of numerology continues to spread in the 21st Century, so the question then becomes, which calendrical system serves the purpose of exploring to discover the soul’s course thru the human life? Perhaps, the reason for each system will determine the validity of the system. Referencing the Quaker records, the numerical month assignments align with seasonal transitions allowing society to harmonize the facilitation of civilization with nature. The Julian Calendar prioritizes the narcissistic projection of a religious-politico interpretation and agenda onto society manifesting as a spiritual obstruction in course of intellectual advancement. The latter calendar undermines all cosmic and natural law to the demise of all soul beings subject to its disorder. The invested effort to perpetuate such an unsustainable commitment to chaos actually complements the evolutionary process by offering constructs to be destroyed releasing the energy for the new.

Embarking on the celestial, astrological journey of numerology certainly requires a legit calendrical map and Eye think this is where my journey will begin. Eye am embracing the study of calendars, narrative origins, ancient civilizations constructed on precise coordinates aligned with the celestial grid, and a myriad of other esoteric information on the subject matter. This practice is unique and rarely reluctantly acknowledged by academia. It seems the father, mother, and kid of contemporary “civil” constructs are represented as the government, religion, and academia to coerce the life of a soul away from God. It’s a new day but old math defeating this new math from recent old days. A part of Millennials and chunk of Gen Z embody ancient principles reincarnated in youthful form up against new, spiritual fabrications in old, decrepit, dying form. The showdown has begun. Get your math on…

*Shyne Khm YahRa*

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