Afterthought | The Black Stalemate…

Being slower to reaction, and quicker to understanding, it took some time to discover if it was worthwhile to follow up with response to a recent interaction with a YouTubian. Formerly, one of my favorite contributors on the YouTube platform, until our interaction, she compelled me to unsubscribe due to the profound ignorance realized during the discourse. Eye was enticed to participate in a call-in because she represents a unique class of black women advocating for the work the culture must collectively commit to and engage in for healing to overcome. Generally, these sistas are all front as their brains are significantly compromised, if not, just broke.

We must evolve out of our current state of being as a trybal nation, black folks evolving into Numericans. Relationships between black men and black women have been significantly compromised. My purposeful work is uniquely intertwined with the healing of our nation. It is a part of my work to engage energies that serve as divine complements to the growth of our people. That’s why Eye called in to this young sista’s platform.

The purpose of this follow up is to contribute additional context to be considered that may advance the conversation constructively. Eye initially noted how the response of our women to their iniquities is similar to white folks response to reparations. Essentially, “it happened, what you want me to do… work on yourself.” The sins were committed against our women by the men throughout the 20th Century, then she finally snapped in the 21st Century while the man is sobering up, and now, we need our women to chill. Many of us figured it out, we’re good, but that doesn’t mean return to the women still raising hell, and negate the fact she followed her black man into the darkest times of his existence. So, she must not be left in the dark as we come forth by light.

The other focuses are on NLP anchors and the Law of Repulsion. Eye intended to pose questions to a black woman having perspective that Eye held in high regard. Eye appreciate her willingness and graciousness to allow me onto her platform for the exchange. Eye noticed when it came to addressing specific personal experiences Eye shared publicly, she subconsciously resorted to the neurolinguistic programming anchors (NLP anchors) preset in our brains. This is a condition of 100% of us in the United Snakes. We have been programmed to respond to our own ailments by the culprit that caused them. We have been programmed through mis-education, religion, politics, music, television, athletic entertainment, and the like to perpetuate our cultural insanity.

“Seek therapy”, “be patient” and “hope” are easily identifiable anchors because all are wholly dependent on mankind’s world of placebo remedy. Eye do not understand why it is presumed if you’ve suffered traumas, you don’t have the capacity to heal and overcome independent of this diabolical world. Traumas have been normalized in our society as excuses to become devils instead of angels, when in fact, many angels are born thru traumatic experiences as a selfless rites of passage to gain wings. Every licensed therapist becomes certified and licensed through the completion of an Eurocentric indoctrinating program, absolutely unqualified to address any concerns related to me. Black or not, if they taught you how to connect with me, you can’t connect with me. Fyi, Eye wrote the book on mental health, Kemyo | First Impression. Last Resort.

We must draw the anchors up that have us stuck or anchored in a perpetual way of thinking that undermines our organic process of evolving out of our condition. A conditioned brain for a looped state of mind. Eye knew of every answer she offered as a response because we all have those answers anchored in us to regurgitate to each other, so that we fail to advance in our efforts. This is why, “Sway ain’t got the answers.” We have to learn to listen and comprehend each other, and abort the opinion of the industries or the master projectors.

In order for the culture to overcome the anchors, we must reevaluate, reprogram, and reestablish order amongst ourselves. This requires critical, in-depth research, comprehension, and understanding of our historical record, our spiritual effects, and the end game. It seems that those of us who embrace this work are easily dismissed as if we are not qualified to offer remedy and recourse to our trybal members. Eye did note that this YouTubian was not much interested in the scholarship Eye presented her with as demonstration of what the kngs are on, as distinguished from the focus of nggas in black culture. Eye thought we would segue deeper into the scholarship discussing the relevance to our recourse. If our black women prefer a rich ngga, it would be impossible for me to fulfill her as a Nubian man.

The final consideration balances the acknowledgment of the “Law of Attraction” with the “Law of Repulsion.” Of course, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is time for us to mature in our understanding of our science and apply our understanding to our advantage. If we know how to be attractive, then we know how to be unattractive. Being unattractive is a super shield in this toxic world. The vast majority of the toxic energies all around suffer from the same inducing drugs via music, television, pills, alcohol, sex, etc., and therefore, are linked to the same programming. They are attracted and unattracted to the same stimuli.

The YouTubian at one point in the conversation alluded to or suggested that Eye presented femininity that could be turning women off. The notion in its best consideration is just a bad joke, but Eye chuckled. Eye think she is from the Maryland area, so she’s already among the company of my intimate records as Eye have ex-girlfriends from Baltimore, Montgomery County, PG, DC, and VA. Well-known in these streets domestic and foreign, establishing a record of who Eye am all over this country, a royal, masculine man for anyone that questions. Eye’ve never had a woman who knows me ever express anything suggesting the sort, and Eye have known women from coast to coast, and across the south, with sprinkles in the north and midwest.

Eye wonder if she may have suggested that as an anchored, defense mechanism for not accepting that Eye’ve had so many occasions to choose a wife or the mother of my children and opting for none. Or it could be her obviously raspy, masculine voice utilized as her primary tool on the YouTube platform, so then project femininity onto men to balance the frequency—right? The presumption must have been that women are not attracted to me on that level when actually our women are quite easy to attract but rarely worth keeping beyond a certain level of commitment. The way our women are programmed to prioritize how to spend money in itself make the majority a poor investment. Eye think being single, never married, and no children after exploring the country’s finest is a reflection of what America has to offer royal men, or the evidence of our culture being deliberately anchored down by programming. The majority of my folk tell me, “you winnin‘!”

Back to the law of attraction… As Eye was moving away from Baltimore headed for LA, Eye knew on a foundational level what the women Eye attracted generally desired. It has not been challenging to clear the bar of the majority of the women Eye was attracted to. Ultimately, Eye realized that the women Eye was attracted to did not fulfill me, in other words, Eye wasn’t even attracted to the women Eye was attracted to. Eye had been programmed or anchored to be with these women. Eye broke up easily from my relationships because Eye am a man of action, and Eye would realize in a matter of little time that the relationship couldn’t take me where Eye was headed purposefully. Eye’m rogue and off script relative to what the majority of black women expect or desire from black men. These desires do not remedy our condition.

The real challenge came with understanding that Eye am addicted to the women who are programmed to anchor me in a stuck position, as we are programmed to say, “hold me down.” Black women in this country are the most gorgeous manifestations on the earth, and Eye am near defenseless when it comes to the beauty of our women. If “bitches” and “hoes” are attracted to me, and many of them are fine as they come, then Eye have a problem. “Bitches” and “hoes” are notorious for utterly destroying the lives of black men in Amerikkka teaming up with their masters of old from the field plantation days, now the corporate-politico plantation.

My greatest defense is to be unattractive, applying the Law of Repulsion as a defense mechanism, so that Eye won’t even be tempted by such company. Eye told her, my Prius and presentation of humble earnings would repel undesirable temptations, and her response was a bit interesting. Often, intellectual and spiritual intangibles are repelling to our modern black women unless its from a pulpit pimp. As far as Eye’m concerned, my actual financial status is the private business and affairs of the woman securing my legacy and should be concealed, not a marketing tool, as the private essentials of the divine Nubian woman should be concealed for her kng opposed to marketed to the public for a ngga. Knowing a woman is attracted to me because of achieving a financial status actually would create an insecurity for me in the relationship, because it is symbolic of going thru her slave master who’s face is printed on every dollar, to be with her. Tangibles should be revealed thru discovery in the process of courtship.

Proverbs | Chapter 23 : 2628

“(26) My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways. (27) For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit. (28) She also lieth in wait as for a prey, and increaseth the transgressors among men.” King James Version

*Shyne Khm YahRa*

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