Kemyo™ Series | E2 pt1

With a heavy heart, Shyne Khm YahRa, expresses sentiments and reservations in regard to the murder of Alexis Crawford of Clark Atlanta University. The discussion reflects on the vulnerabilities of mistrust, and the reluctance to abandon government officials as a source of security. We must fend for ourselves against ourselves and the external world!

This offering discusses the prevalence of a cultural, civil war that has erupted in the psychosis of young adults stemming from the older generations. There is no allegiance amongst brothers and sisters wholly dependent upon each other for survival. Urban America is on a genocidal course due to the lack of recognition and appreciation of our divine connection to the Universe. To deny the Universe, is to deny our celestial relationship with each other.

Physical, mental, and spiritual slavery has NEVER ceased to exist in America. Those whom think the collective is free suffers from the delusion perpetuated by “liberties”, and are in need of an awakening. The practice will resume from cleansing breath focusing on the forward bending pyramid sequence.

Let’s get lit!